*ArT cLaSs* | *LiFe StOriEs* | *SnNwBOaRdiNG* | *My FaVoRiTe ThiNGs* | *My LoCkEr* | *NeWsNeSs* | *QuOtEs* | *bAcK iN tHe DaY*

Snowboarding this year was so great! I've met so many new really cool people, I'll never forget any of you!! CAN"T WAIT UN TILL NEXT YEAR!!!!!!

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Matt, Jo, Emily, Adam
(Martock Crew)

This year has been a BLAST!! I'm so sad that there won't be any more snowboarding this year :0( Oh well... it gives us all something to look forward to.


Jo and Chris

A man in a tux; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Emily, Matt, Yo-Yo

Well, as you can see from the picture WE'RE COLD!!!!



This is Robyn, Sorry I didn't have a real pic of you buddy, but this one is pretty cool.
I had so much fun snowboarding with you. Playing in the snow and dancing around to our little song JO + Bret!! See ya soon!!

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Jonathan and Emily

This is a picture of me and Jonathan, he was my snowboarding instructor. Jon is a really cool guy, a big goof, but a cool guy..... not to mention really hot! :0) I had a great time!

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Matt and Adam



Bret, Josh, Emily

The days up at the hill chilling out with these guys was so much fun, jumping over the fence thing (that I DIDN'T do) and having fun on the hill, it'll be so great next year!!!