Matt, Jo, Emily, Adam (Martock Crew) This year has been a BLAST!! I'm so sad that there won't be any more snowboarding this year :0( Oh well... it gives us all something to look forward to. Jo and Chris | |
Emily, Matt, Yo-Yo Well, as you can see from the picture WE'RE COLD!!!! Robyn This is Robyn, Sorry I didn't have a real pic of you buddy, but this one is pretty cool. I had so much fun snowboarding with you. Playing in the snow and dancing around to our little song JO + Bret!! See ya soon!! |
| | Matt and Adam DO IT UP!!! Bret, Josh, Emily Haley The days up at the hill chilling out with these guys was so much fun, jumping over the fence thing (that I DIDN'T do) and having fun on the hill, it'll be so great next year!!! |